Power Programmierung
Power-Programmierung (Tewi)(1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
249 lines
cseg segment para public 'code'
org 100h
exec proc far
; This program is used as a program loader. After being used to load
; a program, it can be used to load up to 4 programs, including return of
; control to the original program. DOS 2.00 or later is required.
; To use it with interpretive BASIC, enter 'EXEC BASIC.COM progname'.
; See the sample program RUNIT.BAS for an example of the use of this
; program.
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,ss:nothing,es:nothing
p000: mov dx,offset copyr ; print copyright message
call p500
mov ah,30h ; get dos version
int 21h
cmp al,0 ; is al zero?
jnz p005 ; no - it's dos 2.00 or later
mov dx,offset baddos
call p500 ; print message
jmp p099 ; terminate
p005: ; set PSP pointer in communications area
push ds
xor ax,ax ; make it zero
mov ds,ax
mov si,4f0h ; set pointer to subroutine entry point
mov ax,offset another
mov [si],ax ; save is dos comm. area
add si,2 ; set pointer to PSP
mov ax,es ; get PSP segment
mov [si],ax ; save in dos comm. area
pop ds ; restore ds
p010: ; check command line
mov si,80h ; get command line
p015: ; restart entry point
mov al,[si]
cmp al,0 ; anything there?
jnz p020 ; yes
mov dx,offset nocomm ; no
call p500 ; print message
jmp p099 ; terminate
p020: ; copy command line
mov ch,0
mov cl,al
inc si ; check next char
mov al,[si]
cmp al,' ' ; is it a leading space?
jnz p021 ; no
inc si ; yes - ignore it
dec cl
push cx ; save char count
mov al,0 ; initialize work area
mov cx,offset stak
mov di,offset prog
sub cx,di
repnz stosb ; zero it
pop cx ; restore char count
mov di,offset prog ; point to target area
mov al,[si] ; get char
cmp al,' ' ; space?
jz p025 ; yes
cmp al,'/' ; slash?
jz p025 ; yes
mov [di],al ; copy char
inc si
inc di
loop p022
push si ; save command start point
mov di,offset comm
mov [di],cl ; set remaining length
inc di
repnz movsb ; copy command portion
mov al,0dh
mov [di],al ; add carriage return
pop si ; get command start point
mov di,offset fcb1
mov ah,29h
mov al,1 ; scan off leading separators
int 21h ; parse filename for fcb1
mov di,offset fcb2
mov ah,29h
mov al,1
int 21h ; parse filename for fcb2
p040: ; release memory
mov ax,offset endprog ; number of paragraphs to keep
add ax,15 ; last address plus 15
mov cl,4
sar ax,cl ; divide by 16 to get paragraphs
mov bx,ax
mov ah,4ah
int 21h ; free memory
jnc p050 ; no error
add ax,3030h
xchg ah,al
mov si,offset memerr
mov [si],ax
mov dx,offset badmem
call p500
jmp p099
p050: ; point to command line
mov si,offset parm2
mov dx,offset comm
mov [si],dx
mov ax,ds
mov [si+2],ax
p060: ; point to fcbs
mov si,offset parm3 ; fcb 1
mov dx,offset fcb1
mov [si],dx
mov ax,ds
mov [si+2],ax
mov si,offset parm4 ; fcb 2
mov dx,offset fcb2
mov [si],dx
mov ax,ds
mov [si+2],ax
p070: ; make call
mov si,offset stak ; save stack
mov [si],sp
mov [si+2],ss
mov ah,4bh ; load prog
mov al,0 ; load & execute
mov dx,offset prog ; point to prog name
mov bx,offset parm1 ; point to parameter
int 21h ; load & execute program
mov bx,cs ; restore stack
mov ds,bx
mov es,bx
mov si,offset stak
cli ; no interrupts
mov sp,[si]
mov ss,[si+2]
sti ; allow interrupts
jnc p080 ; no error
aam ; get error code
add ax,3030h
xchg ah,al
mov si,offset callerr
mov [si],ax
mov dx,offset badcal1 ; print error message
call p500
mov si,offset comm
mov al,'$'
mov [si],al
mov dx,offset prog
call p500
mov dx,offset badcal2
call p500
jmp p099
p080: ; start next program
mov si,offset another
mov cx,[si] ; any more to execute?
jcxz p099 ; no
dec cx
mov [si],cx ; decrement counter
mov si,offset prog1 ; point to first program
mov ax,80 ; size of each program name
mul cx
add si,ax ; point to next program
jmp p015 ; execute it
p099: ; end
push ds
xor ax,ax ; make it zero
mov ds,ax
mov si,4f0h ; word at 0:4f0 is dos comm. area
mov [si],ax ; zero it
add si,2 ; next word
mov [si],ax ; zero it too
pop ds ; restore ds
int 20h ; terminate
p500 proc near ; print message
push ax
mov ah,9
int 21h
pop ax
p500 endp
; messages
copyr db 'EXEC - Copyright 1983 Data Base Decisions',10,13,'$'
baddos db 'DOS 2.00 or later required',07,'$'
nocomm db 'No file entered',07,'$'
badmem db 'Unable to release memory. Error: '
memerr dw 0
db 7,'$'
badcal1 db 'Unable to execute program $'
badcal2 db ' Error: '
callerr dw 0
db 7,'$'
; work area
prog db 80 dup(0) ; program name
comm db 80 dup(0) ; command line parameters - may be overridden
; by fcb(s)
fcb1 db 40 dup(0) ; fcb 1
fcb2 db 40 dup(0) ; fcb 2
stak dw 0 ; save sp
dw 0 ; save ss
; program data area
signature dw 01237h ; used by application to validate that
; EXEC.COM is really there
another dw 0 ; execute another? 0=no, 1=yes
prog1 db 80 dup(0) ; 1st program
prog2 db 80 dup(0) ; 2nd program
prog3 db 80 dup(0) ; 3rd program
prog4 db 80 dup(0) ; 4th program
; exec parameter block
parm1 dw 0 ; environment
parm2 dd 0 ; command line
parm3 dd 0 ; default FCB
parm4 dd 0 ; second default FCB
endprog db 0
exec endp
cseg ends
end exec